20th Silbertriennale | Silver Triennial

Aufruf zur Einreichung
Silber, Metall Künstler und Designer, sowie Studenten und Auszubildende sind eingeladen, im Hauptwettbewerb und dem Jugendpreis (für diejenigen, geboren 1987 und jünger) des 20. Silbertriennale teilnehmen – Internationaler Wettbewerb 2022. Weitere Informationen an der Webseite oder licken Sie auf das Bild unten.
Call for entries
Silversmiths, metal artists and designers, as well as students and apprentices are invited to participate in the main competition and the Youth Prize (for those born in 1987 and younger) of the 20th Silver Triennial – International Competition 2022. More information on the website or click on the picture below.

Strings Attached

Maja Houtman and Karin Kortenhorst form a special exhibition duo. Wire is both their connection and contradiction: Maja processes meters of fine wire into objects, while Karin looks for space and makes large sculptural objects. These two artists brought together in one space creates an interesting field of tension that surprises and amazes the visitor.
Maja Houtman and Karin Kortenhorst were both trained as goldsmiths at the Vakschool in Schoonhoven. After graduating they chose their own ways, leaving the classic jewelry behind. Karin went immersed herself in 3-D design. Maja specialized in filigree.

Maja Houtman (1963) became fascinated by a self-developed filigree technique. She applies her acquired knowledge and new ideas in art objects. Her work has won international awards such as the prestigious Saul Bell Award and Cheongju Craft Biennnial. Where the mythological Arachne was mistress of spinning and weaving, Maja goes one step further.

Karin Kortenhorst (1961) developed her work from making jewelry to creating monumental, spatial sculptures. She rolls, hammers and winds aluminum, copper and iron wire in her studio. This material twists, bends, hammers and hooks them in such a way that large transparent volumes are created. By framing the sky, space becomes visible.

The exhibition Strings Attached brings the two ‘wire artists’ together in dialogue and contrast. Karin and Maja made new objects especially for the exhibition.

Strings Attached
11.12.2021 – 04.10.2022 : Nederlands Zilvermuseum, Schoonhoven (NL)

HammerClub London 2022

The Golsmiths’ Centre has confirmed its commitment for organizing the HammerClub Meeting 2022 to take place in London (UK) in May. For the moment there is a draft program:

Das Goldsmiths’ Centre hat sein Engagement für die Organisation des HammerClub Meetings 2022 in London (UK) in Mai bestätigt. Im Moment gibt es eine Skizze für ein Programm:
Theme: ‘Celebration’; Digital vs. Analogue Future of the Craft, the use of silver to symbolise celebration
Day 1 – PM Registration and Exhibition Work drop-off Goldsmiths’ Hall
Day 2 – Hosted at Goldsmiths’ Centre – seminars, lectures, and practical demonstrations – forging of the “Common Bowl”.
Day 2/3 – Hosted at Goldsmiths’ Hall (Gala Dinner Day 2)

  • All seminars and presentations to be captured digitally and streamed post event.
  • Exhibition of work to be staged at Goldsmiths’ Hall to coincide with Gala dinner, with attendees bringing their own pieces and collecting these at the end of the event to avoid transportation issues.
  • Digital catalogue of work to be produced.
  • Prize for most innovative piece of work to be provided.
Thema: „Feier“; Digital vs. Analogue Future of the Craft, die Verwendung von Silber als Symbol für Feierlichkeiten
Tag 1 – PM Registrierung und Abgabe der Ausstellungsarbeiten Goldsmiths’ Hall
Tag 2 – Gastgeber im Goldsmiths’ Centre – Seminare, Vorträge und praktische Vorführungen – Schmieden der „Common Bowl“.
Tag 2/3 – Gastgeber in der Goldsmiths’ Hall (Gala Dinner Tag 2)

  • Alle Seminare und Präsentationen werden digital erfasst und nach der Veranstaltung gestreamt.
  • Ausstellung der Arbeiten in der Goldsmiths’ Hall, die mit dem Galadinner zusammenfällt, wobei die Teilnehmer ihre eigenen Stücke mitbringen und diese am Ende der Veranstaltung abholen, um Transportprobleme zu vermeiden.
  • Digitaler Katalog der zu erstellenden Arbeiten.
  • Preis für die innovativste Arbeit, die zu erbringen ist.

Celebrating Silver

Contemporary British Silversmiths invites you to join us in celebrating their 25th anniversary at our Celebrating Silver symposium & exhibition event at De Montfort University. This symposium is an opportunity to bring together the contemporary silversmithing sector to discuss ideas around creative ambition and practice through the experiences of makers, curators, critics and supporting organisations.
The two days will include a full day of speakers, discussion panels and breakout sessions, a pop-up exhibition of makers’ current work (Show & Tell), an evening dinner and networking opportunities, the AGM, an insight into Contemporary British Silversmiths’ Skills Training Programme for makers and practical silversmithing demonstrations for families and the general public. Information about the event and how to book is available on the website of Contemporary British Silversmiths.

Booking deadline:
23.08.2021 (in person attendance)
02.09.2021 (virtual attendance)

Jan Wege – Silber Tombak Eisen

Die Hansestadt Hamburg mit ihren charakteristischen Hafenanlagen und markanten Industriebauten hat den Gold- und Silberschmied Jan Wege seit seiner Kindheit geprögt und inspiriert. Seine auBergewöhn lichen Arbeiten aus Silber, Tombak oder Eisen vermitteln einen kraftvollen Ausdruck von Stabiliiöt und Störke, sind dabei aber sensibel gestaltet und formal von hoher Qualitöt. Die Stiftung Gold- und Silberschmiedekunst in Schwöbisch Gmünd ernannte Jan Wege zum Stadtgoldschmied 2020. Alle zwei Jahre ehrt diese traditionelle Auszeichnung internatio nal herausragende Gold- und Silberschmiede aus ganz Europa. Die Ausstellung im Labor im Chor ermöglicht spannende Einblicke in das Wirken von Jan Wege.

04.09.2021 – 31.10.2021 Labor im Chor – Kulturzentrum Prediger, Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)

The Silver Society Prize 2021

The Silver Society is pleased to announce the launch of its annual Prize of £ 500 for 2021. The Prize is awarded to a silversmith who is either aged under 35 or in the first five years of their career as a practicing silversmith.

Conditions of participation

  • The competition will be conducted virtually and submissions should be made by email to editor@thesilversociety.org by 30 September 2021
  • The submission should be a piece of silver, either made specially for the competition or pre-existing. The portfolio should include images of the piece, a description of its manufacture and its hallmarks. It may also include any other relevant material, such as design drawings, a video or a commentary on the sources of inspiration
  • The entrant should be aged 35 or under by 31 December 2021 or have worked as a practicing silversmith for less than five years
  • The submission may not be a piece of jewellery!

The competition will be judged by an expert panel and the winner will be announced on 25 October 2021 and will receive a cash prize of £ 500.
The winning piece and a profile of its maker will be included in the 2022 Silver Society Journal.

Photo: Dreamy dish by Manasi Depala, Silver Society Prize for Silversmithing 2020

Workshop forging spoons

We all know spoons. They have existed for centuries in all shapes and sizes and are one of the oldest inventions by man. During this workshop you will learn the basic technique for forging a spoon. You will practice with copper and when you have mastered the basic technique you can get started with silver. And if you want you can add a fork to this.
Forging a spoon is a very intensive process. You start from a bar of silver that is gradually forged into shape using an anvil and a heavy forging hammer. During the workshop you will learn everything step by step about how to shape and finally finish your spoon.
This workshop is suitable for both beginners and advanced. No prior knowledge is required. Once you have been able to practice the basic techniques, you can go a step further as an advanced and forge a fork.
The workshop is guided individually by Max Gielis (°1977). He studied silversmithing at Sint Lucas Antwerp, is a teacher at the RHoK Academy in Brussels and worked as an independent silversmith for Gijs Bakker and Koen Wijngaerden, among others.

Practical info
The workshop takes place in the studio of DIVA, Kaasstraat 7, 2000 Antwerp, from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, unless otherwise stated.
Participants choose at least one day from the available dates and register for the workshop via DIVA’s online ticket module. Do you want to register for more than one day? Which can, then choose the extra days you wish to come when you register.

The workshop will take place on the following dates:
Wednesday 25 to Sunday 29 August 2021

Cost of the workshop:
€ 165 per day (incl. one bar of silver, lunch not included).

You can request more information or apply via tom.iriks@divaantwerp.be or +32 (0)3 360 52 52.

Time Capsules

Nutida Svenskt Silver is a members association consisting of 28 goldsmiths and silversmiths working in different types of materials and techniques, with the processes of gold- and silversmithing at heart. All members create unique jewelry and items in limited editions, manufactured in their own workshops. The Swedish silversmiths will participate in the Stockholm Craft Week. Based on the Corona bubble over the past year, Contemporary Swedish Silversmiths have created the theme TIME Capsules for their exhibition at Stockholm Craft Week.

30.09.2021 – 03.10.2021 Stockholm Craft Week, Stockholm (SE).

MASTERY – Women in silver

This is the first exhibition to focus on the UK’s exceptionally talented contemporary women designer silversmiths. Fifty years ago, it would have been impossible to assemble an exhibition like this, as there were so few women working in the field. What was once a totally male discipline has been transformed within three generations.

The Mastery exhibitors represent a large cohort of women working at the highest level of silversmithing and include long-established and mid-career artists alongside some emerging makers of exceptional promise. The work itself was chosen to highlight both the diversity of women’s practice and their largely unacknowledged role as innovators. The resulting group of work illustrates a profound understanding of materials and processes and finally lays to rest the curious notion that silversmithing was an unsuitable occupation for a woman. On the contrary, unconstrained by the weight of tradition, women’s silversmithing has brought refreshing new approaches to an ancient craft.

Exhibitors: Juliette Bigley. Jocelyn Burton. Ane Christensen. Angela Cork. Maureen Edgar. Ndidi Ekubia. Megan Falconer. Na’ama Haneman. Miriam Hanid. Rauni Higson. Kathryn Hinton. Simone ten Hompel. Jessica Jue. Kyosun Jung. Nan Nan Liu. Anna Lorenz. Sheila McDonald. Claire Malet. Jacqueline Mina. Cara Murphy. Theresa Nguyen. Rebecca de Quin. Pamela Rawnsley. Jane Short. Mary Ann Simmons. Hazel Thorn. Adi Toch. Katie Watson. Tamar de Vries Winter

24.07.2021 – 18.09.2021 Ruthin Craft Centre, Ruthin (GB).

Introduction to embossing

Mid August the Antwerp based silversmith Patrick Storme organizes workshops in the basics of embossing. The setup is a question-and-answer session with demonstrations of what is being explained. In these sessions, the participants will not practice themselves, but get to know what is really important to understand the embossing and the possibilities, what you want to achieve yourself, which tools are required for this, and so on.
After these introductory sessions, hands-on workshops are possible at the candidate level.

Three days are planned: Saturday 14.8, Wednesday 18.8 and Friday 20.8, each from 9 AM until 1 PM (the times and exact content will be discussed after application). 3 to 4 candidates can participate at a time. Participation fee is 100 euro (+ VAT).
The sessions take place in the studio in Berchem (next to Antwerp, Belgium).

Examples and more information can be found on the website www.patrickstorme.be
Registration or further information by e-mail: p.storme@telenet.be