Werkzeuge + Kugeln

Donnerstag 13. Februar 2020 findet das Designgespräch ‘Werkzeuge + Kugeln – riskante Vorhaben in der Gestaltung’ statt in der Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern. Die Referenten sind David Huycke, Silberschmied und Prof. MAD School of Art Hasselt (B), und Nils Hint, Schmied und Prof. Akademie der Künste Tallinn (EE).
Der Eintritt ist kostenfrei. Anmeldung bitte bis 12.02.2020 an: Akademie für Gestaltung und Design, akademie.gestaltung@hwk-muenchen.de

13.02.2020 18 Uhr : Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, München (D).

Crafting the 21st Century UK Artisan-Silversmith

At the last HammerClub meeting in Dundee Dr Gordon Hamme introduced a short summary of his PhD thesis Crafting the 21st UK Artisan-Silversmith: Exploring the Elements of a Silversmith Development Framework. A number of people expressed interest in reading the final document, and now a link to it is published on the HammerClub website.
Continue reading Crafting the 21st Century UK Artisan-Silversmith

Friedrich Becker Prize 2020

Call for entries

Application for the Frieserich Becker Prize 2020 is open.
In awarding the Friedrich-Becker-Prize the Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst e.V. (Society of Goldsmiths‘ Art) commemorates this extraordinary man and great designer Friedrich Becker, and following his path it is given to the very best of our generation of designers. The prize is awarded for originality, exceptional design and highest execution of craftsmanship.
Submissions should be jewelry or hollow/flatware, either one-of-a-kind or a prototype for serial production with an innovative character. The inclusion of new materials and techniques is equally as desirable as the utilization of the classic materials for jewelry, hollow- and flatware design.

Jury Members:
Sam Tho Duong, goldsmith, jewelry designer, Pforzheim
Cornelie Holzach M.A., museum director, Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim
Prof. Andrea Wippermann, diploma designer, Hochschule Wismar/Design Faculty

  • The prize is endowed with € 10.000 donated by Friedrich Becker’s widow Hildegard Becker (1928–2018)
  • Participation fee: € 45,00
  • The works must be produced in the last three years.
  • Deadline to enter photos is 14.02.2020

Further information and registration: www.goldschmiedehaus.com

Website about the work of Friederich Becker.


Die aktuelle Ausgabe der Zeitschrift KircheKunst beschäftigt sich mit Silberschmieden im Bereich Vasa Sacra. Grundlage dazu war das HammerClub Treffen 2018 in Hanau.

A publication on contemporary church silver was published (unfortunately only in German).

Exemplare können für € 8,00 zuzüglich Versandkosten in der Redaktion: Pfarrer Markus Geißendörfer, Plancks. 8, D 63741 Aschaffenburg, Tel.: (0049)6021 87134, E-Mail: Markus.geissendoerfer@elkb.de bestellt werden.

Interview with Miriam Hanid

For its “December’s Maker in Focus” interview, the London Craft Week spoke to artist and silversmith Miriam Hanid about her progression from 2D to 3D, how the essence of movement in water inspires her practice and the value of craft in creating shared experiences.

To read the full interview click here.

19th Silver Triennial – International Competition 2019

Aufruf zur Einreichung
Silber, Metall Künstler und Designer, sowie Studenten und Auszubildende sind eingeladen, im Hauptwettbewerb und dem Jugendpreis (für diejenigen, geboren 1984 und jünger) des 19. Silbertriennale teilnehmen – Internationaler Wettbewerb 2019. Weitere Informationen an der Webseite oder licken Sie auf das Bild unten.
Call for entries
Silversmiths, metal artists and designers, as well as students and apprentices are invited to participate in the main competition and the Youth Prize (for those born in 1984 and younger) of the 19th Silver Triennial – International Competition 2019. More information on the website or click on the picture below.

HammerClub in SilverMagazine

SilverMagazine issue July/August 2018 contains a 4 page article about the HammerClub, written by Janjaap Luijt. He describes the origin of the HammerClub and gives a short impression of this years meeting. Works of Micha Peteler (on the cover), Daphne Spiegel, Maja Houtman, Ludwig Menzel, Yuki Ferdinandsen and Achim Heinkel illustrate the article.
Copies of this number can be ordered at SilverMagazine.