This summer the Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum has a jubilee exhibition commemorating its 135 years existence. For the exhibition 125 people from Trondheim and surroundings were asked to choose one object from the collection to be on show and to describe why they chose for this object. Jori Lønseth, member of the Museum’s board, chose the HammerClub Common Bowl 2013, supporting the choice as follows:
In 2013 I assisted as a volunteer and relatively new friend of the museum at a banquet for the HammerClub is a group of European silversmiths who come together every year in a different place to promote the silversmith’s trade as a creative activity. This year, they had chosen Trondheim and the Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum. There was an exhibition that evening on the ground floor of the museum with wonderful examples of handmade silver, and in the middle of this array of vibrant silverware we laid the table for the silversmiths in attendance.
Seeing the items together with the craftsmen fell very vivid and right. As a rule, museums just put things on display, but on this occasion we got to meet the people who made them. This silver bowl was made during the HammerClub’s meeting and bears the marks of the hammer blows applied by each of the participating silversmiths. You can see their initials in various places on this bright, airy silver bowl. It was given the name Midsummer Night.