Websites mentioned in the lecture
Thank you very much for visiting the lecture European Silversmithing in the 21st century. In the lecture a couple of organisations were mentioned.
First of all there is of course the website of the HammerClub (the website you are currently visiting). Please add this website ( to your favourites. To keep in touch you can apply for our newsletter and click this link.
Other platforms mentioned in the lecture are:
- Silver Triennial organized by the Goldsmiths House in Hanau, Germany;
- Silver in Motion, a Dutch platform for creators and collectors of contemporary silver art;
- Contemporary British Silversmiths, the leading association for contemporary silver in the United Kingdom;
- Schoohoven Silver Award, which has no own website, but you will find information on the website of the Dutch Silver Museum and on the website of the HammerClub;
- Saul Bell Design Award, an international competition for jewelry makers and designers.
Of course it is also wise to visit the websites on the link-page of the HammerClub.
If you have any questions about the lecture or opportunities for you as a silversmith in Europe, don’t hesitate and send an email to